Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Post #1: My News Sites!

 Source 1:

    I use Reddit the most for news. I use it daily to scroll through various subreddits, and it is easy to access r/news whenever I want to. Reddit also conveniently places the most "Hot/Popular" posts first, so I can see what is trending, like how Twitter does. I can also switch to see the "Top News This Past Week" which is also a really quick and easy feature to find news that I've missed.

Source 2:

    I also use Twitter on a daily basis, so it's really quick and convenient to switch to the "trending" tab to see what's happening in the world today. There is a lot of information that can spread quickly on Twitter; I just have to take the time and care to sort through the facts vs opinions/misinformation. A cool thing about Twitter is that their "trending" news also can feature tweets from regular citizens. It's a really unique and interesting way to see people practice their First Amendment right. Another cool thing is that I get access to news extremely fast. Like in this picture, the featured piece was released 10 minutes previously. 

Source 3: PBS Newshour

    PBS Newshour is my 3rd choice. They do a spectacular job every night at 6 PM and nearly all of their content is on YouTube as well. Their news outlet largely addresses people's concerns of bias news and in my opinion, they make everyone else look like bloggers. What sets them apart is that they don't editorialize everything and they frequently have people with differing views to discuss issues.

Source 4: Fox News 

    I don't watch that much TV, but my mom does at home, and she usually puts on Fox News. Every time I go to my father's house for dinner, he also has it on. I think it's a really popular and accessible news site, though I don't know how biased it is personally.

The Associated Press is a non-profit organization that releases news, and their content gets republished by lots of other news services. They have pretty minimal bias and focus more on the story itself, however, because of this, the tone of the articles can be super dry and boring to read for me.

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